Legal Notice

Argos Wityu SAS is the portfolio management company. French Simplified Joint-Stock Company (SAS), Share capital: 1 000 000€, RCS Paris:377 854 682, Registered office: 112 Avenue de Wagram, 75008 Paris. The portfolio company was licensed by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers on 2005-12-21. Its registration number is GP-05000033. ARGOS WITYU SAS is subject to the supervision of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, in accordance with article L.621-9 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.

This website is the official website of ARGOS WITYU PARTNERS S.A. (Société Anonyme), registered with the Luxembourg trade and companies register under the number R.C.S. Luxembourg B. 50 717, having its registered office at 1 B, rue Jean Piret Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (the “Website”).

Presentation and content of the Website

The purpose of the Website is to provide a presentation of the Argos Wityu group and its activities.

The information on the Website is provided solely for information purposes and has no contractual force. Said information may be partial and incomplete due to the required simplified nature of the texts. The information that you will find in this Website is provided for information purposes only and on a purely indicative basis. Although we have done reasonable efforts to make sure that the information provided on the Website is correct, up-to-date and exhaustive, we reserve the right to amend the content or presentation of the Website at any time and without notice.

The user is solely responsible for his/her use of this information on general matters.We cannot guarantee (and we may assume no liability in respect of) the correctness and the completeness of such information.
The purpose of the Website is not to solicit the taking out of or sale of products, nor the subscription to any fund or financial instrument, in any country.

Unless provided by law, neither ARGOS WITYU PARTNERS SA, nor any of its employees, directors, affiliates or shareholders shall accept any responsibility whatsoever nor endorse any liability on the basis of this Website nor of its content.

Access conditions

Access to the Website is free.

The user will bear the costs to access and use the telecommunications network in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by his/her internet access providers and telecommunications operators.

We shall not be liable for any elements beyond our control and any damage which may be sustained by the user’s technical environment, including in particular, his/her computers, software, network equipment and any other equipment used to access the Website and/or use the information contained on said Website.

We will not incur liability for events due to force majeure, faults and technical problems relating to the hardware, and for programs and software or the internet network which may result from the suspension or stoppage of the service.

We nor any of our managers, employees, agents or subcontractors shall be liable in any event to any person (be it a legal entity or a physical person) for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damages, costs, losses, charges or expenses of any nature and however they may arise, including but not limited to financial losses, loss of earnings and/or profits or loss of use arising in any way from your access to or use of this Website.

It is highlighted that the confidentiality of correspondence is not guaranteed on the internet network; the user and any person opening an email with an suffix is responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect his/her own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the internet.

Personal data

ARGOS WITYU PARTNERS S.A. and the companies of its group are eager to protect your personal data and undertake to comply with the regulations governing the protection of personal data. Your personal data is only disclosed to duly authorized persons.

We hereby inform you that cookies may be used during your visits to the Website.

Processing personal data (email address, first name, last name, message) freely provided by you via email, via the site’s contact form, as well as by post or telephone, has the sole purpose of enabling the group to handle and answer your request.

Information collected is not transferred to third parties except if this is necessary to handle your request. If applicable, the data will be transferred by respecting your privacy and with the sole purpose of handling your request.

Please consult our privacy policy.

Intellectual property

The Website and the content thereof are protected by intellectual property, including in particular by copyright, rights to drawings and designs, and trademark rights.

The general structure of the Website, texts, animated images or non-animated images and all elements comprising the Website are our property, with the exception of the company names, logos and trademarks of its partners and companies in its group and certain elements (texts, images, etc.) which remain the property of their respective creators.

The Argos Wityu ® and Argos Index ® trademarks are registered and owned by ARGOS WITYU PARTNERS.

All content is used by us with the right holder’s permission.

ARGOS WITYU PARTNERS S.A. is the owner of the Website’s domain name.

You are not authorized to copy, reproduce (in part or in full), translate the content of this Website without our prior consent. References to and reproduction of the Argos Index ® in whole or in part are allowed on a royalty-free basis, under the conditions that (i) no remuneration shall be received by you for such reproduction or reference, and (ii) that a reference to the Argos Index® is visibly stated.

Hypertext links

We may provide hypertext links to other websites which could not be the property of or could not be developed by us.

The existence of a link on the Website to another website does not constitute approval of the content of said website. We shall under no circumstances be held responsible for links established to its Website.

The user is consequently responsible for using this information with judgment and critical thinking.

We prohibit the creation of any hypertext link whatsoever to the content of the Website without our prior consent in writing.

Governing law

The information in this Website and browsing on this Website is also subject to the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The user accepts the competent courts of the city of Luxembourg for all matters relating to the content and use of the Website or recourse deriving therefrom.

Conflict of interest

This summary of our conflicts of interest policy aims to describe the main measures of identification, prevention and monitoring of conflicts of interest.

A conflict of interest is defined as a situation in which Argos Wityu, or any person directly or indirectly linked to Argos Wityu by a control relationship, carries out activities whose performance, if the organisation is not set up appropriately, may harm the interests of the clients. This definition applies to actual, potential or apparent conflicts of interest.
For the purpose of identifying the types of conflicts of interest that arise in the course of managing a fund, Argos Wityu takes into account whether the Company, a relevant person or a person directly linked by way of control to the Company:

 a) is likely to make a financial gain, or avoid a financial loss, at the expense of the fund or its investors;

 b) has an interest in the outcome of a service or an activity provided to the fund or its investors or to a client or of a transaction carried out on behalf of the fund or a client, which is distinct from the fund’s interest in that outcome;

 c) has a financial or other incentive to favour:
– the interest of another fund, a client or group of clients over the interest of the managed fund,
– the interest of one investor over the interest of another investor or group of investors in the same fund;

 d) carries out the same activities for the fund and for another fund or client;

 e) receives or will receive from a person other than the managed fund or its investors an inducement in relation to collective portfolio management activities provided to the fund, in the form of monies, goods or services other than the standard commission or fee for that service.

Argos Wityu has established internal rules in order to monitor the conflicts of interest process. All employees are aware of the conflicts of interest policy, the internal rules and the prevention measures implemented. The compliance officer is responsible for the process of identification, prevention, management and monitoring of the potential and existing conflicts of interests. The compliance officer periodically controls the conflicts of interest management process in order to ensure its effectiveness. In situations where a conflict of interest has been identified, the compliance officer will record the details of the conflict in the register of conflicts of interest.

When possible, this conflict is classified according to the conflict-of-interest mapping in order to identify quickly the management process. If it is not possible, this conflict is added to the mapping as a new potential conflict of interest. The compliance officer will suggest, in coordination with the relevant departments, remediations to monitor the identified conflict of interest to the Argos Wityu’s Directors who will have to approve, modify or reject the compliance officer’s suggestions. The purpose of the monitoring procedures that would be set up is always to protect the investors’ interests.

An annual report to the Argos Wityu’s Directors is prepared by the compliance officer. It includes all the conflicts of interest that have been identified during the year and the monitoring and/or remedial measures which have been implemented.


Argos Wityu has adopted a complaint handling procedure which provides a clear and precise understanding of the way in which the Argos Wityu handles any complaints made by its clients. As defined by the AMF instruction n°2012-07, a complaint means a statement of dissatisfaction by a client towards the professional. A request for information, opinion, clarification, service or provision is not a complaint.

A complaint must be sent by post at the following address:

Argos Wityu
To the attention of Anna Karin Portunato
112, Avenue de Wagram
75017 PARIS

Argos Wityu can also be contacted by email at address:
The Investor Relations team processes complaints free of charge within ten working days of the date the complaint is sent. The compliance officer is immediately informed of the claim and involved in its processing.

Argos Wityu may request the claimant to provide further necessary information. To respond to the claim, Argos Wityu will make all necessary investigations and collect all relevant evidence and information on each complaint.

A response is sent to the claimant within at most two months of receipt of the claim, unless duly justified special circumstances occur. The response must be in the language in which the claim was made (provided that it is an official language of a State in which the AIF has been marketed). Argos Wityu records complaints received and applies procedures to follow up and resolve incidents and takes corrective measures if an irregularity has been identified. A regular report including the list of claims being processed as well as the tracking of responses and deadlines is made to management.

If, after receiving a response, the claimant considers he/she did not receive a complete, clear and justified response, the claimant has the possibility to submit the case to the AMF ombudsman.
The AMF ombudsman is the relevant mediator for any disputes concerning a financial instrument, investment service or, more generally, any matter falling within the AMF’s jurisdiction. The mediation is a public service provided free of charge.

The claimant can submit a complaint to the AMF ombudsman:

• On the AMF’s website at the following address:, where he can fill in the “Request for Mediation” form to submit the case to the ombudsman;

• By post to the following address:

Le médiateur de l’AMF
17 place de la Bourse
75082 Paris Cedex 2 – FRANCE

Argos Wityu Engagement
and voting rights policy

Jean-Pierre Di Benedetto - Argos Wityu

Jean Pierre Di Benedetto

Managing Partner


Giuseppe Bonsignore - Argos Wityu

Giuseppe Bonsignore




Louis Godron - Argos Wityu

Louis Godron

Managing Partner


Karel Kroupa - Argos Wityu

karel Kroupa

Managing Partner


Gilles Lorang - Argos Wityu

Gilles Lorang

Managing Partner


Coralie Cornet - Argos Wityu

Coralie Cornet

Head of communications


Jacqui Darbyshire - Argos Wityu

Jacqui Darbyshire

Chief Financial Officer


La Compagnie Des Desserts - Argos Wityu
La Compagnie Des Desserts - Argos Wityu
Logo - Argos Wityu

Foodservice industry

Revennues : 50M€


Moro - Argos Wityu
Logo - Argos Wityu

Foodservice industry

Revennues : 40M€


Sasa Demarle - Argos Wityu
Logo - Argos Wityu

Foodservice industry

Revennues : 30M€