Adrien Lecointe - Argos Wityu

Adrien Lecointe



Adrien Lecointe - Argos Wityu

Adrien Lecointe



Can you introduce yourself in a few words?


I am Adrien and I live in Paris.

Tell us about your career and how you joined Argos.


I have wanted to work in private equity since I was in high school. After finishing my studies, I started my career at PWC Luxembourg working on private equity and asset management assignments. This gave me a great overview of the multiplicity of fields in this industry. In 2018, I joined Quadrille Capital, a French venture capital firm based in Paris, to get closer to the business. I then joined Argos in January 2022 to have a better understanding of the LBO field with more mature firms to help and advise.

The world of private equity has changed a lot in recent years. What is your definition of PE? How do you see it?


For a long time, private equity was an underestimated investment sector that institutions were reluctant to cover. With a growing number of sterling opportunities, a great track record in the past few decades and aided by a shift in the economy to a more entrepreneurial enthusiast mindset, private equity is now attracting institutional investors. Experienced advisers and funds are therefore key to the new strategy. Companies are now facing more complex problems of supply, competition, exporting and taxation. They also are more demanding of transformation and therefore financing.

What encounter - or moment - stands out in your time at Argos?


The first day I worked at Argos I was surprised by the enthusiasm each employee had to share on his or her current assignment. Energy flows in the office. Smiles are sincere and people are happy.

Some say we are the average of the people we meet. What do you think?


I like to know what makes people passionate. Those people probably made me very curious and a happy learner. Maybe they will turn me into a professor someday.

You interact daily with managers. Is there an entrepreneur you admire in the market?


I prefer anonymous heroes to famous ones. Humility truly makes a person shine, as silly as that sounds.

How do you find balance in your life as a whole?


Long-term projects keep me involved in the things I like and short-term ones keep my curiosity growing.

Outside of your job, what are your passions or commitments?


Listening to lots of different podcasts in which passionate people help me find new or old gems in music, cinema, books and other areas.

How do you see yourself in 10 years?


Forever young, I wanna be. I wonder if children today still know Alphaville.
Adrien Lecointe - Argos Wityu
” The first day at worked at Argos I was surprised by the enthusiasm each employee had to share on its current assignment “

Do you have a special place that reflects who you are, that inspires you and contributes to your balance?


Monte-Cristo’s secret cave. A life full of dreams!

In another life, you would be... ?


A screenwriter. I would probably not be talented but … plot twist, now I am.
Adrien Lecointe - Argos Wityu
Adrien Lecointe - Argos Wityu

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